A social network enabled e-card for AmericanGreetings.com, this little owl can be sent via Facebook and Twitter along with a message. Though a pretty short sequence, I had a chance to imagine some cinematic CG fun following the shooting star's wake. See and send the card in its entirety here.
A holiday song parody e-card for American Greetings set to the tune of the "I'm too Sexy" song. Heavily candy-coated in holiday cornball batter and wrapped in a bad sweater... see the e-card here!
A live action personalized e-card for American Greetings. Add a recipient's name and have it spelled out at the end in cake frosting!
Oftentimes I try to over-exaggerate expressions and actions to suggest gestural movement. Usually they don't translate very literally into live actors, but this one had the same energy and Benny Hill-like humor I imagined while sketching it out-- was great fun, and kudos to the baker willing to be made such a mess and lit on fire~!
See the full e-card here.
An animated short for American Greetings. I listened to that zany "Hooked on a Feeling" music video with David Hasselhoff quite a few times to get the pacing right for this parody to the Blue Suede song~!
I liked how it turned out with animation and great little visual gags by Chris Kennett who worked off my storyboards.
Check out the rest of it here !
"Molly Goes West" a historical drama about a young couple's struggles during the 1850's migration and settlement of the American West. Director Reed Simonsen was great to work with and made the process of storyboarding this film out a pleasure. The stars in these scenes are played by Christina Kurzius as Molly and Bobby Trey as Jonathan. I'm very curious to see how the wolf attack scenes (with 'Rugby' the dog auteur~) will play out.
This was a project I worked on in March. The video finally went up on Myspace and YouTube today.
The scenario for the video was something like a few minutes before the end of the world. It was shot on the "War of the Worlds" set on the Universal lot-- right next to the "Psycho" house! Scenes like a crashed jetliner and blown out homes provided plenty of great apocalyptic ambiance.
Though originally supposed to be a day shoot, it got shifted to a (cold and dark) night shoot. I had a lot of fun on this since I was also a background extra and got to meet Issac and the band.
Swell folks, all of 'em!
There was a lot of careful timing that needed to be arranged, so many points stayed pretty close to the boards and animatics. Director Ace Norton arranged all the chaos with great detail~
Boards for two info spots for a Florida water management district through Subliminal Pictures.
Water conservation makes me thirsty...
The final cut for the two "Grass Pool" and "Pop-ups" were pretty close to the boards, check them out at Floridaswater.com